I have been reminded by a friend about Qi Gong, and a particular teacher who has specialist routines for anxiety, so I will modify the article tomorrow with that information when my brain comes back. I had also forgotten sleep. That has to go near to the top of the list, and I am a long way from solving that one as well. So keep the ideas coming please.

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Great topic Christine. I have fibromyalgia too, amongst a few other choice issues. I have been researching and practicing this for years... working now but will stop by in comments in the next day or two to drop my 2c. I actually did a story about the Aya ceremony I did to try to help with this.... the end result being that meditation and a few other things have been more effective ;)


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Fascinating video. Thanks for sharing. Many moons ago, before it become illegal to drive that way, I did smoke a bit of dope. For the years I smoked heavily, I did not have FMS. I functioned completely normally. Once I realised why I had spent those years out of pain, I planned to go back to it when I retired (it did interfere with the kind of mental discipline I needed as a writer, so I could not smoke and work) and then they brought in drug driving testing. I prioritised keeping my licence over relieving the pain. Pity. I see that a lot of people on the long covid groups are using some form of legal prescription CBD, and in America, THC, but do not seem to be getting much relief. I had wondered about micro-dosing. When medicine abandons us to our fate, we have to take matters into our own hands.

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I got lazy (and broke so could no longer afford to experiment) with the FMS because I found a combination of tablets that eased the symptoms enough for me to function close to normally but the dose was rising and has become huge (Fish oil 4x4 per day plus lecithin 4x4 per day). But now with long covid, the fish oil and lecithin has pretty much stopped working, or my walking has been interfered with by a second issue. That's why I am back on the hunt, specifically for long covid but if it helps with FMS (which I suspect it might) that will be a bonus.

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Hi Christine, finally getting around to dropping back here.

Here are some things that have helped me to manage my weird chronic fatigue/pain/auto-immune symptoms.

- infrared sauna

- lots of time in the sun, especially first thing in the morning or late afternoon so I don't need to wear sunscreen and lots of coverings

- constant movement

- ocean and forest bathing

- grounding (bare feet in sand, on grass)

- yoga and especially yogic breathing

- meditation

- acupuncture

- mindset work - around my relationship with pain, thinking patterns etc.

Things that make it worse:

- sitting in one position for long periods of time

- artificial lighting

- sugar, high carb, processed foods

- alcohol

At the moment I'm focusing on 'surrender' and trying to not get too preoccupied with 'fixing' the pain, which I find perpetuates it. I've stopped going to remedial massage and am going to direct my money and energy to letting my body relax through other means. I found that after massage I would be right back to where I started within 24-48 hours.

This book was recommended to me. I'm half way through and have got some great paradigm-shifts from it so far.


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Look into thiamine deficiency and ANS. Chandler marrs and dr londsdale have a lot of great info n book. Eliot Overton has tons of YouTube video. Learning about the role thiamine plays was a huge piece of the puzzle. Great info!

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What dose of thiamine are you talking about? I have thiamine in my B complex (50 mg), but perhaps not enough. I also have B12 in the B complex but have found that taking a vastly larger dose in the evening is providing immediate relief for neuropathy symptoms in my legs and feet that come on at night. Do you have any links to the information?

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Get yourself a B12 that has both active forms, Methylcobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin, the latter will help more with the neuropathy symptoms, the former with methylation. Three products I know of are one by Pure Encapsulations, one by Superior Source (available from iherb) and Metabolics UK. Also does your B complex have activated forms? Thiamine particularly (Thiamine Pyrophosphate)?

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OK, I am in Australia so using different products.

My B Complex is BioCeuticals Mega B Q10 and it calls itself "Activated B Complex" whatever that means. I take that in the morning. It has Thiamine Nitrate 61.68mg and Cyanocobalamin 400 mcgs. I am taking this one for a "background noise" level of all Bs. ( https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/109599/bioceuticals-mega-b-q10-120-capsules-new?)

And at night I take Blackmores B12 specifically for the evening onset of neuropathy and this one, just because it has been half price special at the supermarket, and it works. It is Mecobalamin (Co-methylcobalamin 1mg (1000mcg)). (https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/79158/blackmores-b12-rapi-melt-1000mcg-energy-support-vitamin-b-60-tablets)

Next time I am buying some, I will check more closely what form they are.

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I am in Western Australia. The Blackmores B12 Rapi melt has one of the active forms but from memory, it did not test up as appropriate for one of my clients and when we checked the ingredients it had something added that was not appropriate for her.

Which state do you live in? as there's heaps that can be done for long Covid. e.g. training the different nervous systems to switch on (or off if you're stuck in the sympathetic (fight/flight)): training the adrenals and HPA axis to work better, dealing with the stress/issues behind it, getting the energy systems working properly, even stuff to help fibromyalgia

An adaptogen would probably be good for the adrenal stuff, Ora do a really good one that has several adaptogens and B vitamins in it. Not sure if this link will work https://d1rix7mpplptv6.cloudfront.net/ts1630650218/attachments/Product/18981/OATADA.pdf

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