Thanks for the bucket list material here, as I find myself in similar "outside the box" lethal terrain as you and the rest of carbon based life on planet Terra Trauma.

As Dick Van Dyke quipped "How to enjoy the view while circling the drain" was his preferred alternate title to his book "Keep Moving".

Holding you and all others in this scenario with true loving, caring hope for best individual and collective outcomes from this time & space condition.

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Thank you for the limpid clarity on the dynamics of trust/truth/lies... i will quote you to my students, with joy!

About where people are/go to outside the box: at the beginning of the Covid episode, a colleague asked my wisdom(!) on how to deal with a friend in the grips of conspiracy theories.... hmmmm.... well, here we go... i.... you can imagine the rest, i did tell the truth, i pretty much always do. But the point is this: one new idea that emerged for me in my response to him, regarding conspiracy theories, is that 1) most people believe « authorities » lie at least once in a while, or have seen it at least once with certainty; 2) many-many believe « authorities » lie rather consistently; 3) every single one of us as a « delirious line », an invisible, intuitive or protective line beyond which « it’s just crazy, it just can’t be ».

I have not approached the lines of reptilians of flat earth. My big sadness right now is that I’ve used those aspects of truth-perception, in saying that i wasn’t there, in order to prove that I had discernement, that i was no fool. I regret that. My biggest piece now, when wanting to establish my sanity, is stating the various aspects on which I have changed my mind over the years, showing ongoing discernement and mental flexibility.

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and some more...

Ah, this one is really traveling with me today! I LOVE these 2 solutions you offer:

The moratorium on telling the truth (not as easy as you make it sound in my experience, but SO CLEAR!!

Truth consciousness - a short course – YES! Let’s start somewhere.

Thank you my dear, you have made my day – and then some.

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I forgot to add this element: when we lie, we are protecting ourselves, we are (at least partially) closing our hearts. That being said, I believe that living with an emotionally closed heart is both physically and spiritually damaging - we hurt OURSELVES!!

AND I want to maintain compassion and understanding for the choice of lying, to continue seeing it as an attempt to fulfill fundamental human needs, and most of the time folks cannot see or sense the self-damage of that way of life.

What a soul-crushing world we live in!

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Thank you for engaging with this. One of the reasons I am telling my truth now is that my body is shutting down in virtually every way. I follow the "as above, so below" law which tells me that ALL of me is shutting down in response to living in a world that is shutting down. I have pretty much shut down emotionally and socially as well as physically. So at what point in my own being can I open up again, in the hope that I can trigger further opening up in my general health, my life and the rest of the world. My only outlet now is Substack, and the only thing I am still doing is writing - so writing my truth becomes imperative.

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This one hit me right in a train of thoughts I’m in. Truth, telling and living it... Thanks

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Truth. Deeper and deeper we go

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Yes! You have nailed it. Telling the truth has got me into some hot water all through my life. When I was four years old I told my mum about the man upstairs who showed me pictures of naked women. My dad went crazy and beat the man up, very badly. He went to court for the assault and was bound over to keep the peace for a year. The effect of that event was to teach me that telling my parents the truth had bad consequences. I avoided telling them anything after that.

I learned to read from newspapers and realised that they were full of lies, very early on. You are so right we are steeped in lies all the time. You are also correct when you say how hard it is to break the habit of lying automatically, eg: "Hi Sue! How are you?" "Oh I am fine!" comes the reply even though you can see she is in pain and struggling to walk on a broken foot.

Thanks for tackling this knotty problem. It needed saying!

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