Apr 30, 2023Liked by Christine

I read your comments on Rebekah Barnett's post -Long Covid. I said I would share what I was doing - but appears you are doing everything and aware of most of the stuff. Not sure if there is anything else I could add that is different. I just want all this to stop. We could all say no to the jabs - but there appears no escaping the EMF's that are being rolled out: cell towers, small cells, smart meters since 2020. It would take a massive class action to stop this - but still no guarantee of a win or good outcome. Ray Broomhall - barrister from Tasmania has won some cases in stopping cell towers/5G in some areas. What irks me - if found not ok to go up in these areas why can't this same principle be applied everywhere. These are won- as radiation per criminal code is a form of an assault. We have a long battle ahead of us - particularly when most people are unaware of the dangers of EMF and unaware some of their current symptoms may be attributed to/or contributing to their ill health.

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I am cry laughing because tea is my weakness. All the books say no caffeine but I’m guzzling it like nothing else. My heart just flung open then. It’s so nice to be connecting. I hope that video doesn’t scare you too much. It’s a frazzling time. Okay so food source and I was considering a rug and like a hoodie thing. But $500! 😂 Pension living ain’t that accomodating. But I just got approved ndis so I will see what I can wrangle xx

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Yeh. My symptoms are severe fatigue. Like cement on body. Inner quaking. Nausea. Pots. Inflammation of the brain stem so brain damage. Sympathetic overtone flooding. Memory loss. Intense anxiety. Ptsd. Mouth sores. Extremely dry skin. Digestive issues. Extreme sensitivity to anything on. Electricity or internet like a buzzing. Destabilisation.

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That link is to a current and terrifying interview on 5G. I believe it. But it’s not fun.

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I have been looking into 5G rugs and protective clothing. Sooo expensive. Also Todd Callendar is very vocal about 5G. And Dr Ana Mihalcea. Glad Tess is waking up to it too. I am 5G sensitive. Severe symptoms. Thankyou for your story 🙏

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What strikes me right away is the fact that the interviewee is wearing airpods, which emit class 1 bluetooth radiation, a known carcinogen, and may also be exacerbating any metals from the shot in his body, also disrupting his blood brain barrier:


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