Sorting out the covid mess: what is really going on?
...and what can we do to protect ourselves and recover from from the environmental assaults on our health?
Why I am writing this
The human species is not very good at keeping multiple threads clear. I see all sorts of pointless fights about either/or details when the answer is “both” or “all”. This is my attempt to sort out some of the mess, but in order to write the big picture I have to assume prior knowledge and for this article I have to assume everyone reading this understands the rudiments of the following:
the falsity of the entire pandemic story
doubts about the PCR tests, masking and social distancing
what the elderly actually died of during the pandemic (pre-jab)
what the young actually died of during the pandemic (post-jab)
roughly how the immune system works
claims made by alternative doctors about the spike protein
protocols designed by alternative doctors for covid and long covid
claims made about the contents and effects of the jabs
accusations of deliberate genocide.
I may go back later and add links, to cover all my assumptions but my 5G addled brain is not up to that level of pedantry today.
The three tangents that get tangled
As usual, lots of people caught a cold. That’s what a corona virus is, and we know, don’t we, that the PCR test picks up viral particles, ANY viral particles (or should that be exosomes?). So sure, lots of people had a cold. But it was not the cold that killed or nearly killed them. For many, that cold developed into pneumonia. Most who died from their cold or flu, died of pneumonia, as they do every year. The cold is just the “background noise”, humming away quietly, providing the cover for everything else.
So what? Boost your immune system to help you resist anything contagious and ignore every single aspect of isolating yourself from the rest of humanity. Exposure is essential to ongoing immunity.
At least one bio-weapon was launched on humanity. It might be that, since 2020, this corona virus is particularly nasty. Maybe something horrible was manipulated in a laboratory to be carried by a common cold or flu virus and resulting in the spike protein. It might be that something was sprayed in chemtrails, it might be that something nasty was put into injections posing as vaccinations, it might be that there is such a thing as shedding, from the injected to the non-injected, of that nasty stuff. It might be that the so-called spike protein is doing some of the ongoing damage to our bodies as seen in long covid. It might be that the graphene oxide nano-particles or something equally horrific, from the jabs, is killing us. Any number of them can be true or false, to any degree, at the same time. But it only takes one of these to be true for each individual who has experienced covid and long covid.
The bio-weapon/s can cause any or all of the vast array of different symptoms being experienced, although there does seem to be a bias towards heart and cardiovascular problems, resulting from both the spike protein and the jab.So what? Everyone needs to reduce intake of all toxins including all drugs and never have another vaccination of any kind ever again. We have no idea what is in any of them. Even dental injections may now be risky.
So what? Everyone needs to detox, detox, detox. We need to detox anyway as we are already perpetually under massive assault from man-made environmental toxins. These may now be worse and more deadly but the same principles apply.
So what? Treat any disease that is manifesting in your body, with natural and food based products, as if it is naturally occurring. We don’t actually know where a lot of these diseases are coming from, and they do not seem to be responding to traditional treatments, but, in the absence of understanding the true nature of what is causing the current spate of diseases, we have to do something.
A second major weapon was launched on humanity simultaneously with the first, 5G. 5G can be used as a weapon in its own right, but its mere existence, even if only to implement better communications as it pretends, is a killer, particularly of electro-sensitives. Electro-sensitives are those who already have a high loading of metals in their systems that act as receivers for the unwelcome EMFs and so cause overload. We know those EMFs are harmful to human health, we know the first towns to experience high death rates from supposed covid were the first towns to turn on 5G, I know (or can at least can guess) that my hospitalization and near death from supposed covid was in fact, from 5G being switched on around me. I had a bit of a sniffle and so tested positive on a forced, non-consensual PCR test. Beyond that I had bacterial pneumonia, which is commonly what kills those with so-called covid. 5G messes with your body electrical and communication systems and amplifies every other disease known to man. If you have something already wrong with you, 5G will make it worse. If you have recovered from something, 5G will cause a relapse. If you are heading for some ailment that has not yet manifest, 5G will bring it on. And let’s not forget those metals in the injections that will make everyone jabbed far more electro-sensitive.
5G can cause any or all of the vast array of different symptoms being experienced, although there does seem to be a bias towards nervous system issues.So what? We need to stop the rollout of 5G and we need to learn to protect ourselves from it and all rogue EMFs.
It is essential to the rollout of the electronic infrastructure planned to implement smart cities, CBDCs and the who social control infrastructure. Without 5G they cannot do it! What better reason to stop it?
Second we need to stop its assault on our now very vulnerable health.
So what? While we cannot escape 5G, we need to learn to protect ourselves from 5G. There is much we can do, and none of it is perfect, but every little bit helps. Yes, pendants of stones with funny names do work.
So what? We must also treat any disease that is manifesting, particularly of our nervous systems, with natural and food based products. And push our intuition ahead of our knowledge to find re-purposed healing methods to deal with man-made health issues.
So what does this mean for all of us?
We are likely wasting our time trying to identify if we have out of control spike protein, vaccine injury of various sorts, or 5G injury. Most likely we have a combination of all three, and more, even the unvaxxed. (Recent research by Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea (on Substack) has shown that even the unvaxxed are now contaminated with the same blood clotting agents as the vaxxed.)
There are many other assaults on our health occurring at this time on this planet, and we maximise our chances of a healthy survival if we follow each of the recommendations below:
Boost your immune system to help you resist anything contagious.
Reduce intake of all toxins including all drugs and never have another vaccination of any kind ever again.
Detox, detox, detox.
Treat any disease that is manifesting, no matter what is causing it, with natural and food based products. Learn how to research and administer these yourself.
Learn to protect yourself from 5G.
Push your intuition ahead of your knowledge to find re-purposed healing methods to deal with man-made health issues. Vagus nerve exercises are a great example of this.
The problem of man-made illnesses and traditional healing systems
A final comment on point 6. Even many natural products and their traditional healing systems, are no longer reliably useful, as they are designed for natural human beings, and we are no longer “natural”. What besets us is now man-made and nature has not developed its antidotes alongside our development of man-made illnesses. However, just as some drugs proved useful when “re-purposed” for treating what was called covid, some natural products might prove useful if repurposed to detox the man-made toxins and energies that are now besetting our bodies. For example, if green tea could protect residents of Hiroshima from the effects of radiation, might it also be able to protect us from the effects of a different type of radiation? Apparently yes, and the same can be said for lots of herbs. We just have to find them.
(Adaptogen herbs may also be a way to re-inforce our body so it can do the work itself. I am experimenting with home made Elderberry, and Schizandra tinctures, long term, to see if they help. ed. 26/11)
For more on the whole complex mess, this video is helpful. Click on the link.
Happy hunting.
If this post has changed the quality of your life in some way, and you would like to say thank you, you can make a one-off donation through PayPal below. I am retired and live solely on a state pension, so every little bit really does help.
Great article, am still reading. Re pneumonia: The new protocol was to withhold antibiotics "as it was a virus". Finished reading - still great article.