Hey this is an excellent piece and I appreciate you providing some personal context around your time in hospital.

We all had unique experiences throughout the #plandemic and those need to be shared. It's your story, no one elses. Sharing it helps inform everyone and most importantly helps others to do the same!

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Are we talking about the same "experts".. There are the mainstream experts who are supporting the political narrative. Then there are the alternative experts who are advocating their own treatment protocols involving mostly antibiotics and ivermectin, plus a few other more natural bits and pieces (like vitamin D - sunlight). These I fear are the controlled opposition, because their protocols still require doctors prescriptions and dispensing chemists, and countries like Australia have made that illegal. Once the stocks of Ivermectin on the shelves of the stock feed outlets were bought up, that was the end of that, here in Australia. What shocked me was that there were zero naturopaths offering protocols, particularly with dosage information, of ingredients that could be purchased from a health food shop without prescription. We simply had to work out the problem for ourselves if we stopped breathing.

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