get in depth information about plants, fruits, herbs, vegetable and how to grow them at https://haqeemiherbs.com/

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Interesting death stats issued this week (30 Sept)


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Here’s helpful site I had stumbled across: https://experiencelife.lifetime.life/article/9-functional-medicine-strategies-to-help-treat-long-haul-covid/

It mentions some of what you are doing, as well as a couple things that weren’t in your article. Which, btw, I found very helpful. So thank you so much for sharing!

I keep trying different things and mix and match from many sources to see what works best. Haven’t hit on a magic bullet combo yet, but I will say that the supplement NAC is one that does make a difference in how I feel and promotes better breathing. It was widely available on Amazon, but once buzz started up about it after COVID hit, Amazon stopped making it available. It is available as a powder from Bulk Supplements online. Not sure about internal shipping, but hopefully they do, or perhaps there’s an Aussie store similar to it online. You mix just 1\4 tsp in a glass of water and chug it down. It smells and tastes of sulphur, so kind of like eating a hardboiled egg. But if you let it sit for awhile before drinking that lessens. I’ve also bought the pill forms of it, and you can get those cheaper from places like Swanson. But for reasons I don’t fully understand the powder in water seems much more effective. So I get that when I have some extra cash. A small bag can actually last for quite a while.

I’ll be subscribing to your stack so I can follow your journey. May God continue to guide you on your path to restored wellness. It’s not easy feeling crappy on a daily basis. I hope you have supportive and loving people by your side to ease the burden.

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Yes, good site. And thanks for the good wishes. We are all going to need them.

I'm researching resveratrol at the moment. After watching the Paul Marik video, I realise I have missed a significant spike protein issue. One is to stop it entering the cells, which I have covered, and the other is to get rid of it once it has entered the cells. I missed the latter, and resveratrol plus some form of intermittent fasting seems to be the way to do that (for me). Again, hard to get enough from diet, so supplements necessary, but easily available and not too costly. Marik mentions other options but they are more costly or require a doctors prescription.

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And here we are again, a conference just on the spike which will be recorded.


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Hi, Christine! I just saw your comment on today's article by Walter M Chesnut, and I followed your comment here to your substack articIe. I love the way you emphasize the importance of of natural remedies--this approach of bolstering my immune system is the one I'm utilizing, and it's working for me.

I was one of the first longhaulers, having caught what must have been covid-19 in late January 2020, and coming down with longhaul covid immediately. I created a video sharing what worked for me to treat this C19 exposure (and I am not and do not plan to ever be 'vaccinated') with tips I gleaned from cutting-edge researchers, including Walter M Chesnut. I created a video with my friend, Shane, that is mostly focused on healing from longhaul covid, but you and your astute readers will comprehend that this actually includes everyone--not just longhaulers--whether people know it yet or not, since most everyone may be at risk for Covid-19 spike protein damage. Here's a link to that video, which also delves a bit into what my friend Shane was fascinated by, the question of what China seems to know that they're not saying (Hint: spike protein!):


Some additional treatments I am currently utilizing that I would recommend, include Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment (HBOT). HBOT definitely helps, and since it assists the body in creating stem cells, this may be a good thing for anyone to do proactively, in order to offset some of this horrific C-19 spike protein damage. I am also utilizing simple IR treatments at home, which helps and I can see the difference on my body's largest (spike-protein damaged) organ--my skin. The HBOT and the IR both help make my skin look more normal, and less like I'm falling apart and death is imminent. I'm now past the 2.5 years mark since I was originally sick with Covid-19, and I have truly felt that my life and health were at stake, so I've been doing every smart, natural (non-big-pharma) thing I can find to help my body recover and heal itself. I'm motivated! Something else that definitely is helping bolster my immune system is called CellFood Liquid Concentrate, which I found on amazon. It instantly boosts my oxygen in my body from around 94 back up to 97, and I feel much more energized, and it also produces a positive, visible improvement to my skin tone, texture, color, feel, and appearance.

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That Cellfood stuff sounds like it’s worth trying for a month or two. Thank you so much for sharing!

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I think my experience was the opposite of yours in terms of timeline and also of some symptoms.

I had some sniffles in 2020 that disappeared quickly, so I thought I had escaped a bullet. but then I crashed and was hospitalised May 2022 - suddenly. I am now suspecting that I was "spiked" either by those sniffles or by someone vaccinated, early in the piece, and over the subsequent 2 years the spike "replicated" inside my body. Over that time I developed some long covid symptoms, apparently without having had covid; ringing ears, hair falling out, and skin flaking off - I'm like a bloody Labrador dog! Then I finally went down suddenly with pneumonia and had to be hospitalised.

And of course, having recovered from the worst symptoms of covid, I still have the ringing ears, the hair and skin decorating my carpets, and the additional croaky voice, which is part of what makes me think this is really a disease of the vagus nerve. But I still don't know what to make of that.

While I was hospitalised, my blood oxygen was around 85, so potentially dangerous, and it stayed there without improvement for 11 days, and all the hospital gave me was oxygen, which as we know, does not get from the lungs to the blood for some reason. Then every major symptom suddenly recovered. My blood oxygen jumped to 90, still too low to be released from my prison cell, but as soon as my 14 days was served I walked out because the food was more than a disgrace and I was only going to get sicker if I stayed. Within a day or two of being home my blood oxygen was back up to 98 and it has stayed there. So in my case, I do not need the oxygen.

And in saying this we expose the problem with trying to put together protocols for the damage done by the spike as distinct from destroying the spike itself. The spike can damage anything and everything in our body, and I think what it damages (first) is based on what weakness we have before it starts on its journey through our body. This would mean that we need a healing protocol for everything that can go wrong in the body, from which we select for our personal weaknesses. Obviously this is a resource far too huge for anyone to create.

So I limited this article to the spike protein while I work out what to do about the rest. I am already taking a ton of stuff for the more serious health issues that may or may not have been caused by covid, and the amount I am taking is getting ludicrous.

We can focus on just enhancing the immune system but I don't think that is enough, so I am currently focusing on disabling the spike., plus treating what I have to treat.

I am also suspecting that there is something "magic" out there, that is designed by nature for just this eventuality. I think it is a resin, and possibly hemp, but also possibly myrrh. It may be a lot simpler than we think, but not if we approach it allopathically.

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This is what I am currently taking, to kill the spike, boost my immune system, protect against recurrence of bacterial pneumonia (golden staph), manage blood sugar, heal neuropathy, and manage fibromyalgia.

It has been taking me a while to work up to this, so I have no idea yet how much value it will be and if I am anywhere near getting the dosage right. I am hoping I will discover some magic constitutional support that will replace all the rest.

Fish Oil (fibromyalgia - pre-dates covid) (4x4 1000 mg daily)

Lecithin (fibromyalgia - pre-dates covid) (4x4 1200 mg daily)

Berberine (from Phellodendron (from (high blood sugar) (3x1 500mg daily)

Dandelion (high blood sugar AND disabling spike)(not sure of dose yet)

Quercetin (disabling spike)(3x1 500mg daily)

Zinc (disabling spike) (1 daily)

Green tea (disabling spike) (as a drink)

Pomegranate juice (disabling spike) (as a drink)

Turmeric (disabling spike AND fibromyalgia) (not sure of dose yet)

Vitamin K2 (immune system) (1 180mcg daily)

Vitamin D (immune system) (1 1000 IU daily)

Garlic (antimicrobial for golden staph in the lungs and potentially blood thinning to protect against blood clots) (2 200mg daily)

Mullein tea (lung support) (as a drink)

Mega B complex (repairing neuropathy) (1 daily)

Olive leaf extract (repairing neuropathy) (2 350mg daily)

I am also suspecting that there is something "magic" out there, that is designed by nature for just this eventuality. I think it is a resin, and possibly hemp, but also possibly myrrh.

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I am following a similar natural strategy to yours, with similar intention to disable the spike while bolstering all essential longevity systems. I am taking everything on your list, except: Lecithin & Berberine. I've got Dandelion and Mullein from my garden (volunteers). I am taking some longevity supplements to bolster Mitochondria and stop aging (things like NMN, Glycine, NAC), in addition to supplements to reduce allergy damage (such as DAO). I end up taking dozens of supplements daily, in addition to monitoring food choices. And also going for HBOT sessions weekly. I monitor the organ I can see most easily--my skin--to get some big clues as to how my other organs are likely doing. I don't take anything for granted, and sometimes re-experience loose joints that had run rampant during the worst of my longhaul covid symptoms, so I do not underestimate this C-19 s-protein adversary. This week I've boiled some organic grapefruit skins, to see what difference, if any, I see from trying a bit of natural hydroxychloroquine.

I agree with your thinking that likely there is a latency of the spike protein, and it can (and does) cause massive damage even when people think they're fine and nothing is wrong, due to lack of any obvious signs or symptoms up until some kind of catastrophic failure occurs. I share your hope and expectation that Nature will provide us with a beautiful restorative curative treatment capable of stopping this many-headed hydra's mega-destructive Sherman's march to the sea.

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I saw something on-line about Myrrh. A few nights later I had a dream that someone gave me a piece of some resin and told me to eat it. I was unsure if the resin was hash or myrrh, and kept asking the person who gave it to me which of the two it was. I also questioned the idea of eating it. That didn't seem right, but the person kept telling me to eat it.

I am currently researching myrrh, which can be chewed for mouth and gum health, but found nothing on actually swallowing it. One Chinese research paper explained that frankincense and myrrh are used together partly because, in combination, their phytochemicals transform from their constituent chemicals into something new. Sounds a bit like alchemy? I wonder what happens if you add gold?

I gather a lot of TCM is about these synergies between two different elements.

Just background noise at the moment, but apparently the price of myrrh skyrocketed with covid, as many parts of the world have been quietly using it to treat covid. I have no idea how though.

"It can be edible and may be chewed like gum, but more often it is burned, with frankincense giving off a sweet, citrusy scent and myrrh producing a piney, bitter odor. Both frankincense and myrrh are derived from plants that grow in the Middle East and Africa."


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Christine I think you are a brave and fabulous young lady. You're advice is excellent and well researched. If you want to know some names if some really good doctors who treat long civud and detoxing the spike protein I'd say look in to Dr Brain Ardis, Dr Buttar, Dr Ealy,Dr group and anything by Jonathan Otto.

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I am in Australia. Even if the doctors you name would treat someone remotely, I could not afford their fees and their treatments. And most of their treatments are illegal in Australia anyway. That's why I am doing this. The FLCCC protocols are no use to many of us due to cost and availability.

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Yeah I meant to say they have advice up on their websites, it's someth8ng anyone can use. Free of charge. Google their names but they're best found on telegram and rumble.

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Hi there, I'm from the UK and the doctors I'm talking about are on line , they advocates for health and a mixture of naturopathic and ivermectin type approach to treating long haulers. You could find them on telegram, rumble just going their names. I'm sure you'd learn an awful amount that would be extremely useful to you. Nicotine patches are very effective and nicotine gum or smoking but you don't want to listen to me and hopefully you don't smoke, listen to them. They're fabulous. See what you think Dr Brian Ardis would be a great place to start. Dr Ealy also. I hope this helps. You can get everything they use in a health food store . Good luck Christine x

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I have added to my article to clarify a few points raised by your post.

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I have several themes with what I am doing.

First, any protocol has to be affordable in Australia (where 40% of our population is below the poverty line - which means cannot afford both heating and eating let alone expensive nutraceuticals and medical fees).

Second, any protocol ingredients have to be legal and available without prescription in Australia.

Third, any protocol has to be manageable without medical support as there are simply no local doctors who know enough or who are willing to support someone through covid or long covid.

That said, do you have any links to recommendations from any of your listed doctors for products that do not require medical prescription or supervision and that are not illegal?

Ardis seems to be promoting the Zelenko and the FLCCC protocols. These require doctors prescription for the antibiotic components, and one of two products that are illegal in Australia, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. No doctor in Australia will write a prescription for either of these and no chemist will fill a prescription because they will lose their licenses if they do. All the stock and station agents ran out of stock of Invermectin as soon as it became known as a treatment and now the only way to get it is from overseas, via the internet. It is highly likely to get intercepted on entry to the country and confiscated.

I can't find any treatment protocols from Rashid Buttar or Henry Ealy, although Ealy does seem to be selling a course for over $700 using nutraceuticals - so that is excluded on price alone.

So links please and I will investigate them further.

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Actually as general advice it's high dose vitamin D , vitamin C , quercetin, turmeric, nicotine, Magnesium is essential a good source of vitamin k and the b vitamins. You'll forgive me as it's late , I'll find some link's tomorrow. It's a shame you missed the covenom summit and covid con. There were so very many brilliant treatments that are proven truly effective . All things in those docuseries were from health stores and fruits and veg. Clean eating of course is a must. Over half of the UK is below the poverty line and things are set to get 100 x more critical with energy bills. Food or heat and if you can afford food with out having to use food bank you're really doing well. I know exactly what you're saying and I'm not advocating anything that's costly and nor do the sources I'll find for you.

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Hi Christine , there's a brilliant covid summit coming up if you were to find Jonathan Ottos rumble page or telegram you can sighn up to ut for free and you'll get so much advice and many , many protocols from the top doctors when you sighn up to watch it for free. Also please search up the "Aggressive health " supplement and holistic shop , when you open the page there are e books for free on detoxing the spike protein naturally at the top , it should flash up. If not register an account and I'm sure you'll fund that to be excellent advice and help.

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Oh dear, by trying to be helpful, you are actually proving my point.

I just checked "Aggressive health" and downloaded the PDF on the spike. A lot of propaganda but no protocols. I am quite disappointed that the article was written so that you could NOT work out a protocol from the nutraceuticals named, and that you have to wade through pages of gobbledegook to find any reference to possible treatments at all.

One issue with being sick - any sickness - is brain fog. The person getting sick, treating sickness or recovering from sickness cannot think straight. And I am writing for the victim, not the doctor. They need straightforward, clear, unambiguous information. They need protocols and those protocols must be easy to find, easy to obtain, and easy to administer. So far, I have found NOWHERE on the web, apart from the FLCCC protocols, any protocols that are easily accessible and give clear dosages .And as I have already explained, most of us cannot afford the FLCCC protocols and many of the ingredients are illegal in various countries.

Perhaps you do not know what I mean by "protocols". Follow this link to see what I mean.


If you do know of protocols please send me the actual links to the actual page,s as following up your leads without links is taking a lot of time for no results.

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